Grande Pelouse | Fanfare La Clé de Lutte | Fête de la Cité 2024

The brass band La Clé de Lutte (formerly Fanfare Climatique) is returning to the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris for the 2024 edition of the Fête de la Cité. In 2023, they marched between the FEU – where Libéral Martin, one of their members, lived at the time – and the Grande Pelouse. This year, they will set up at the Grande Pelouse Sunday, May 26th at 1pm.

La Clé de Lutte is a collective of musicians who defend living beings with their instruments. Faced with the fear of climate change and its increasing tempo, they beat the rhythm with their cymbals. Engaged but apartisan, their bodies and their breath give life to the street, like a little tuft of grass that grows between the cracks in the asphalt. They support a popular ecology that promotes the convergence of struggles: social conflict, feminism, anti-racism, climate struggle, etc. They advocate for a world where people take care of each other. They present a form of joyful activism, open to all, regardless of each person’s investment or the place of ecology in their daily lives. They prefer debating over preaching, and include rather than accuse. Their music aims to support the struggles that affect us by creating a space for debate and action.

Practical Information

Date Sunday, May 26 | Time 1:00pm

Location Grande Pelouse, Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

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