Cultural Season 2023-2024

Every year, the Fondation des États-Unis (FEU) creates a rich and diverse cultural program focusing on projects by residents, alumni and partner institutions. Concerts, exhibitions, performances, conferences and various partnerships form the basis of the program, which invites the audience to discover intercultural, interdisciplinary events based on the ideals of inclusion, diversity, liberty of artistic expression. It is a meeting place for artists and for the audience.

Rediscover the highlights of past cultural season in our annual report.


The FEU would like to thank the culture team who managed and coordinated this season, all of whom are moving on to new chapters at the end of their 6-month internships, 2-year apprenticeships, or 9 years at the head of the cultural center: Noëmi Haire-Sievers, Paul Victor, Amandine Ferrand, Maralee Bell, Nolwenn Mallet and Anouk Le Lay.

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