Become a Resident


Rentals and Privatisation

Rent a Space!


The FEU Highlights


Years of Tradition

Frescoes recognized as national historic monuments.

“Made in FEU” events by season

Scholarships awarded each year

Art and music studios in residence

American residents

Student rooms


What Our Alumni Say.

Living at the Fondation des États-Unis introduced me to other musicians and artists from around the world. Not only have I forged new musical collaborations, but I treasure the friendships which will last a lifetime.
Jenny Maclay

Ancienne étudiante

And that’s what it was - 8 months of focused, un-inhibited work and collaboration. It couldn’t have been more enriching.
Antone Konst

Ancien étudiant

There is no other place where students can be together and share good memories, even if at home their countries are in conflict.
Jacqueline Georgis

Ancienne étudiante

On the top floor of the FEU, I forged some of my most enduring artistic relationships, meeting painters with whom I have shared my work and exchanged criticism for decades.
Maureen O'Leary

Artiste en résidence : 1989-1990

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